Carrie Hale
Carrie has been active in the fitness business since 2002 and exhibits a profound love and enthusiasm for what she does. As a certified personal trainer and licensed massage therapist, she considers “recovery” as important as training your body. She has a keen insight of what to do and not do considering a pre-existing injury or condition. Carrie will develop a program specifically tailored to target her client’s needs to help by improving or maintaining their skill level or improving their fundamental movement pattern to prevent injury. Her clients range from athletes to older adults and Carrie’s focus for all her clients is for good fitness and overall health. Carrie’s moto is ‘keep moving, keep learning, stay fresh.’
In 2017, 2018 & 2019, Carrie was voted Best Massage Therapist in the Mt Washington Valley.
Certified Personal Trainer, NASM, AAAI/ISMA * Certified Spin Instructor * Licensed Massage Therapist
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